How long have you had your current website?
3 or more years
Less than 1 year or it’s incomplete
1 - 3 years
Do you have an ideal customer avatar?
Yes! I know exactly who I work best with
Yes, well, I’m pretty sure I know my avatar
Not yet. I’m still refining this
Do you have a logo and branding elements?
Yes. I used Canva or another tool to DIY my branding elements
I know what I like, but it’s not “officially defined”
Yes. I hired a branding expert or designer to create my brand
How many offers do you currently have?
Just one offer
I have 2 - 4 ways for clients to work with me
I have 5 or more offers
What is your monthly income goal?
> $8500
$4000 - $8500
< $4000
How much content do you have for your new website?
All of it! Amazing copy, great graphics, gorgeous pictures and fantastic videos
Some of it. I know what I want on there, but it’s not all ready to publish
A little. I mean, the content on my existing website is a start, right?
How much traffic do you get to your website right now?
Not much, I don’t really like to share my website
Some traffic, maybe 5 - 25 visitors a day
Loads, hundreds of visitors a day
How many leads are you getting to your email list on a weekly basis?
As many as I would like or even more!
Less than I would like but they trickle in
None or close to none
How often do you think about having a new website?
Occasionally, especially when I see someone’s that is swoon-worthy
Frequently, my website is not fully supporting me
Rarely or never, it’s not really a focus for me right now
BONUS Question: How will a new custom website improve your business?
Select as many as you agree with
It will motivate me to market more consistently and with intention
It will boost my confidence
It will allow me to streamline my business
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